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    To fully enjoy shopping on our platform, follow our simple guide: 1.Sign up 2. Search for the item Use a search panel with filters and find what you need. We have over a million adverts, so you can choose exactly what you are looking for. 2. Contact a seller You may chat on our platform or call a seller via phone and set up a meeting face to face, discuss some details or negotiate about the price. 3. Take your item or order a delivery We check our sellers carefully, but it's always better to check twice, right? Meet with the seller in a public place and be sure to pay only after you get the item. 4. Leave your feedback about the seller Feel free to share your experience: write your feedback on the seller's page.
    To start selling on our platform, you need to register as a vendor. Complete vendors required information provision Wait for approval Start uploading your goods and services
    To contact our Support Team, choose the most convenient channel for yourself: live chat, email or phone call. Chat Live chat is the fastest way to get a response from us. As soon as you send us a message there, one of the Managers who are online will react shortly. We recommend using it for urgent cases. Email If your case is not urgent, we recommend you send an email to Phone Note: If you need phone support for Premium Service enquiry, you may always initiate a call back with the" System Manager's phone number" on the top right of the homepage
    Orders get canceled because of following reasons: Cancelation from customer side. Product is out of stock. System recognizes it as a fraud order.
    If you are already registered, you cannot make another ID using the same email address/phone number for D-Force If you make fraudulent orders, your ID will be blocked automatically.
    Yes, it is essential that you first educate your customer and tell them how to place the order, how to change the order, and how to return it as well. You have to guide them properly because the better you guide and convince them, the greater is the chance of them making a purchase from Earnestmart